Albania-Israel Sign Agreement on Direct Flight Tirana-Tel Aviv

The new nonstop air route Tirana-Tel Aviv, that will start operating on April 13, is going to strengthen the relations between Albania and Israel and especially economic cooperation.
Israeli tourists and visitors will have the opportunity to travel to Albania twice a week. Meanwhile, special destinations and routes will be added for Israeli tourists, like the historic journey of the Jews in Albania during World War II.
“Our expectations are that the number of annual Israeli tourists reaches 50,000,” Klosi said.

The agreement on the new air route was signed in Tel Aviv by the Albanian Minister of Tourism and Environment and his Israeli counterpart Yariv Levin. The latter expressed his interest in increasing cooperation between the tourism agencies of both countries. On his part, Minister Klosi showcased the latest initiatives of the Albanian government on encouraging investments in the tourism sector and tax exemptions for all four and five-star hotels and luxury resorts.

Albania-Israel Sign Agreement on Direct Flight Tirana-Tel Aviv

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