Foreign Entrepreneurs Increase Agriculture Technology Investments

Italian and Israeli entrepreneurs are undertaking concrete investments in the Albanian agribusiness sector through the implementation of new modern technologies for agricultural products processing.
Technological novelties were unveiled during a national conference organised on Monday by the Agriculture University of Tirana, the Albanian Agribusiness Council, and the Ministry of Agriculture. The event was attended by farmers from all over Albania and foreign entrepreneurs and investors.
Italian entrepreneur Angelo Amato, at the same time organizer of the conference, said for the Albanian Telegraphic Agency that the Albanian market and the business climate is offering more opportunities to foreign investors.

This is the reason why innovative Italian technology has been introduced in order to boost cooperation with the Albanian agribusiness sector. It would also improve the quality of processed agricultural products destined for the overseas market.

“The machinery and technology that we have here meet all the requirements and criteria high-quality products, reducing water use, pollution and possible impacts on the environment,” Amato said.
On his part, Avner Galili, representative of the Israeli Company ‘JURAN’ introduced a pomegranate processing machinery, unique of its kind.

He stated that Israeli technologies are being widely used by the Albanian agribusiness sector. Hence, they provide a great contribution to increase efficiency and production quality.
The machinery will be used by small and medium-sized farms and they guarantee increased productivity.
On his part, the chair of the Albanian Agribusiness Council, Agim Rrapaj said that about 2,500 projects will benefit financing from a fund of Euro 96 million in the frame of 2017-2020 program on agriculture.

Foreign Entrepreneurs Increase Agriculture Technology Investments

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