Israeli agricultural experts to help Albania in cooperatives

Albanian Council of Agribusiness held a meeting with Israeli Embassy to Albania representatives which discussed about increasing the cooperation between the two countries in the agribusiness and agricultural sector. The meeting was attended also by representatives of Albanian Chamber of Commerce and heads of Albanian and Israeli Agricultural Joint Associations.

The most important topics discussed were the need to exchange experiences between Israeli and Albanian agricultural experts and the cooperation in joint projects, focusing in the Israeli model of agricultural cooperatives.

The Head of Albania – Israeli Chamber of Commerce, Ilir Kokeri, praised the initiative undertaken byt the Albanian Council of Agribusiness in strengthening and increasing cooperation with Israel in the agricultural sector. Kokeri declared that this cooperation will create the space for twinning and setting new partnerships between the Albanian and Israeli Agricultural Joint Associations.

“The organization and orientation forms, the economic achievements and the entrance of new techniques and technologies from Israeli, are a factor that will play an important role. Nowadays, in Albania we have only about 60 cooperatives, which are oriented towards increasing their activity, since the increase of agricultural production is the only opportunity to establish an effective agricultural sector, in benefit to farmers,” declared Kokeri.

Experts discussed about the most efficient manners and methods which need to be used for cooperating with Israeli in the field of agriculture, based on the principles of market economy.

Israeli agricultural experts to help Albania in cooperatives

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