Minister Bushati: Holocaust Remembrance, cardinal history lesson

Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Israeli Embassy in Tirana, held today in the framework of the Holocaust Remembrance Day, the activity “Righteous among the Nations: Saving Jews in a period of hate” which was accompanied by the exhibition ” Beyond the Duty “on diplomats known as” Righteous Among the Nations “.

Present at this event was the Israeli ambassador to Albania, Boaz Rodkin who expressed gratitude to the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs that since 5 years has established the tradition of commemorating the 27th January, International Holocaust Day. “The Albanian population tremendously defended and sheltered Jewish families, endangering themselves, and therefore becoming an example, a lesson that applies not only to the past but also to the future” said the ambassador.

Moreover, Sweden’s Ambassador Johan Ndisi in his remark underlined that this day is not just a day of commemoration, but it should be a day of reflection for generations. “This day should be worth to teach and remember that courage, hospitality, and especially personal courage are important to avoid violence and discrimination against different groups and communities” said the Swedish ambassador.

Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati, highlighted that the tradition launched in 2013 for the Holocaust Remembrance Day will continue as an important mission in creating a more tolerant society which purpose is in respecting the human rights.

“This year’s theme is “Beyond Duty ” because the lessons learned from the Holocaust outgrew the immediate task. They turned into a cardinal history lessons. It is not important that after the Holocaust the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was drafted. It was humanity’s dedication to not forget what happened and not to allow it to happen again, “said the minister.

Furthermore, high school students were introduced through the exhibition, with the darkest history of World War II and especially with the stories of diplomats known as the “Righteous among the Nations” who sacrificed to save the Jews.

Present in this activity were Representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, Foreign Policy Commission, religious communities, etc.

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