The Chief Rabbi of Albania, Yoel Kaplan: There is no greater satisfaction when saving a life!

The Chief Rabbi of Albania, Yoel Kaplan, was part of the search and rescue team sent to Turkey by the State of Israel.

By Dash Frashëri, publisher of “Israel Sot”

The Chief Rabbi of Albania, Yoel Kaplan, is part of the search-and-rescue team sent to Turkey by the State of Israel to help find people who are still under the rubble due to the deadly earthquake on the border between Turkey and Syria, and who has so far caused over 35 thousand victims, several tens of thousands of injured and over a million homeless.

“Israel has sent a team of 450 people, the second largest delegation after Azerbaijan that has gone to the aid of the Turkish people,” Chief Rabbi Kaplan told the newspaper “Israel Sot” in a connection from Turkey.

“They are professionals and highly experienced, as they have visited different countries, including Albania, after the earthquake of November 26, 2019, when they came to Durrës. Along with me is Colonel Golan Vach, who was also awarded a decoration by President Meta in January 2020”, said Chief Rabbi Kaplan.

Israel has great experience in searching and rescuing people in earthquakes, as its delegations have been to almost all the countries where earthquakes have occurred.

The chief rabbi, who in Albania leads the “Lights of Isaac” Synagogue (Or Yitschak) based in Tirana and also leads the “Chabad of Albania”, last week was part of a battalion of the Israeli Army, IDF.

“Not only as a rabbi, but also as a family member, I felt it my duty to go to the aid of the Turkish people. It is also in the philosophy of the State of Israel to help anyone in need and wherever help is sought and needed.”

According to data from Israel’s Foreign Ministry, so far Israeli teams have rescued over 20 people, including children.

“There is no greater satisfaction than saving a life. This is also the mission of “Chabad of Albania”. I am a parent and I know what it means to a family when one of its members is saved”, said Chief Rabbi Yoel Kaplan.

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