Edelstein: Albania proves Israel can have good ties with Muslim countries

Albania is proof that Israel can have good relations with Muslim countries, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein said in a meeting with his Albanian counterpart Ilir Meta Wednesday.

“Albania is a Muslim country that shows things can be different,” Edelstein told Meta, who is visiting Israel for the first time. “Israel-Albania relations are continuing to grow closer and I that your visit hear will contribute to that.”

Edelstein also pointed out that Albania saved all of its approximately 800 Jewish residents during the Holocaust and had a larger Jewish population after World War II than it did before.

“Israel is an advanced country and there is great potential for commerce between us, for investments and for your expertise in technology,” Meta said. “I wrote in your guest book that I am proud to represent Albania in the Knesset, because we saved as many Jews as we could during the Holocaust.”

Meta also expressed condolences at the murder of the three teens who were kidnapped by Hamas three weeks ago and said he hopes the killers are brought to justice.



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